Dedicated to navigating away from consumerism, this experimental brand is transforming mass waste into eclectic, multi-functional, and wearable statements. Finding inspiration in the hand-me-downs of the general public, POLIVALENTE is able to reconceptualize the tainted reputation of used items and assemble, instead, uniquely fluid and confrontationally ludic ensembles.
The genesis of the brand is molded by a myriad of influences, ranging from nuanced cultural symbols such as cartoons from the late 90’s, to the intricate details inherent in the artistry of Eastern civilizations, and extending to the minimalistic qualities of futuristic design where the concept of scarcity significantly challenges fabrication. Faced with the challenge of working with limited types of material, patchwork and multi-textured garments have become innate to POLIVALENTE’s model and deliver a standard of sophisticated playfulness consistent with the brand’s youthful image.
As the sirens of environmental instability continue to wale at us in the form of global heat increase, forest fires, among other dramatic disasters, we are pushed to re-evaluate our lifestyles and means for economic stimulation. POLIVALENTE is sensitive to the cries of our beloved planet and seeks to relieve some of the weight from its shoulders by producing only from the waste of others as a testament to what is possible in sustainable fashion as we transition from a production-oriented to post-consumer society.